Growing Green for The Land of Ice – Mangrove Planting Program

The program aims to reduce global warming which contributes to the melting of ice in polar regions (Antarctica and the Arctic) through carbon sequestration process. Although the Arctic and Antarctic regions are thousands of kilometres away from Malaysia, they play a crucial role in the global ecosystem by balancing the Earth’s temperature. The loss of ice in these regions can lead to significant disasters for us in Tropical Region, including extreme El Niño and La Niña phenomena and rising of global sea levels.

Mangroves play a crucial role in combating climate change due to their exceptional ability to sequester and store carbon. They act as carbon sinks, absorbing significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps mitigate the effects of climate change. Their role as “blue carbon” sinks is vital in reducing greenhouse gas concentrations and, consequently, the global warming that affects polar regions, including Antarctica.

To date YPASM in collaboration with other corporate member have planted 1,000 mangroves in the Merchang Lagoon, Marang, Terengganu. YPASM is working with Pejabat Tanah Marang, Department of Fisheries Terengganu, and University Malaysia Terengganu to plant additional 6,000 mangroves in 2025. Corporate support is highly valued in efforts to address climate change through this programme.

Pictures: UMT Official