Jom Turun Sungai In Conjunction With World Water Day 2021
Jom Turun Sungai is a programme championed by the Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA), which was held in conjunction with World Water Day 2021. The Minister of KASA successfully launched the programme on the 27th of March 2021 at Sungai Langat. This is part of a new initiative by KASA under the National River Trail programme, which focuses on community involvement in solving issues related to river pollution nationwide. YPASM has collaborated with Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) and community Kampung Seberang Takir on the aforementioned date to organise a river clean-up programme in Sungai Seberang Takir to support the initiative.
The programme focuses on cleaning 2 kilometers along the Sungai Seberang Takir riverbanks. YBhg. Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang (the Secretary General of KASA), officiated the event and participated in the clean-up programme, together with 70 volunteers from various organisations, including Indah Water Consortium; Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN); students from the Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, UMT; and Seberang Takir’s community. A total of 343 kilograms of waste were successfully collected along the river within 2 hours.